Creating Open Spaces for Wellness & Healing for our community!
With the help of community partners, we've created an integrative wellness and safety initiative called Relentless Resilience (R&R). R&R provides a creative and safe space for youth in grades K-12 to come, be heard, and soar and we invite their families to participate in the journey. R&R includes:
Restorative circles – Provides youth and families with the skills necessary to build safe and trusting relationships, preparing them to address any challenge they face.
Stress buster yoga – Active and intentional movement that addresses anxiety, depression, social pressures, emotional imbalance, and coping skills.
Mindfulness journaling and creative writing – Provides guided meditation, best practices, and mindful breathing for self-regulation.
Affirmation Art – Participants utilize art to draw, paint, use visual and digital design affirmations to encourage themselves and those around them.
Afrokaribe Dance
Therapeutic Gardening
Mental Health Resources
Youth Sports Camps
We are committed to providing ongoing education & resources to our community members to ensure our families stay safe & healthy.